| | | FK wins toss, elects to receive, SS to defend E goal |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss30 | Start of 1st quarter, SS ball on SS30. |
| | | M.Scheuring kickoff 70 yards to the FK0, touchback. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | C.Townsend pass incomplete to T.Knuettel (N.Goehner), PENALTY SS Defense Pass Interference (N.Goehner) 0 yards to the FK20, NO PLAY. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | An.Mohr rush left guard for 14 yards to the FK34, 1ST DOWN FK (K.Phanor). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk34 | C.Townsend short middle pass complete to C.Welker for 8 yards to the FK42 (J.Scott). |
Fk | 2-2 | at Fk42 | C.Townsend short middle pass complete to T.Knuettel for 10 yards to the SS48, 1ST DOWN FK (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss48 | An.Mohr rush left end for 5 yards to the SS43 (J.Scott;O.Metzger). |
Fk | 2-5 | at Ss43 | Al.Mohr rush for no gain to the SS43 (K.Phanor). |
Fk | 3-5 | at Ss43 | C.Townsend deep left pass complete to C.Scheiner for 16 yards to the SS27, 1ST DOWN FK (N.Goehner;T.Frach). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss27 | C.Townsend deep right pass complete to T.Knuettel for 14 yards to the SS13, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss13 | Al.Mohr rush right guard for 2 yards to the SS11 (D.Mirus;J.Scott). |
Fk | 2-8 | at Ss11 | C.Townsend sacked for loss of 4 yards to the SS15 (J.Scott). |
Fk | 3-12 | at Ss15 | C.Townsend deep left pass incomplete to J.Joyner. |
Fk | 4-12 | at Ss15 | C.Scheiner field goal attempt from 25 GOOD, clock 00:00. |
| | | Franken Knights 3, Stuttgart Scorpions 0 |
| | | Drive: 11 plays, 65 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | C.Gunn kickoff 50 yards to the SS20, J.Pike return 5 yards to the SS25 (An.Mohr). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss25 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss25 | R.Schneider rush left tackle for 5 yards to the SS30 (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 2-5 | at Ss30 | R.Schneider rush left end for 5 yards to the SS35, 1ST DOWN SS (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss35 | T.Schneider deep right pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 14 yards to the SS49, 1ST DOWN SS (T.Dawkins;F.Beilhardt). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss49 | R.Schneider rush left end for 21 yards to the FK30, 1ST DOWN SS (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk30 | T.Schneider screen right pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 12 yards to the FK18, 1ST DOWN SS, out-of-bounds (T.Dawkins). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk18 | T.Metzger rush right guard for 5 yards to the FK13 (O.Gehringer). |
Ss | 2-5 | at Fk13 | T.Metzger rush right guard for no gain to the FK13 (T.Cotton;D.Saueressig). |
Ss | 3-5 | at Fk13 | T.Schneider short left pass incomplete to F.Weigel. |
Ss | 4-5 | at Fk13 | R.Rewitzer pass complete to M.Scheuring for loss of 1 yard to the FK14 (B.Barnes;M.Fritz). |
| | | Drive: 9 plays, 61 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk14 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk14 | C.Townsend rush right guard for 1 yard to the FK15 (K.Phanor). |
Fk | 2-9 | at Fk15 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to An.Mohr for 8 yards to the FK23 (K.Stadelmaier;J.Scott). |
Fk | 3-1 | at Fk23 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to T.Knuettel for 7 yards to the FK30, 1ST DOWN FK. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk30 | C.Townsend rush right end for 9 yards to the FK39, out-of-bounds (J.Scott;J.Pike). |
Fk | 2-1 | at Fk39 | C.Townsend short right pass incomplete to C.Welker. |
Fk | 3-1 | at Fk39 | An.Mohr rush left end for 2 yards to the FK41, 1ST DOWN FK (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk41 | C.Townsend rush left end for 9 yards to the 50 yardline (J.Scott;K.Stadelmaier). |
Fk | 2-1 | at Fk50 | C.Townsend screen right pass complete to S.Lang for loss of 2 yards to the FK48 (J.Pike). |
| | | Drive: 8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | Franken Knights 3, Stuttgart Scorpions 0 |
Fk | 3-3 | at Fk48 | Start of 2nd quarter. |
Fk | 3-3 | at Fk48 | C.Townsend deep middle pass complete to C.Welker for 11 yards to the SS41, 1ST DOWN FK (J.Scott). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss41 | C.Townsend deep right pass complete to J.Joyner for 21 yards to the SS20, 1ST DOWN FK (J.Pike). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss20 | An.Mohr rush left guard for 2 yards to the SS18 (K.Phanor). |
Fk | 2-8 | at Ss18 | C.Townsend rush left end for no gain to the SS18, out-of-bounds (K.Phanor). |
Fk | 3-8 | at Ss18 | C.Townsend deep middle pass complete to C.Scheiner for 15 yards to the SS3, 1ST DOWN FK (F.Hansen). |
Fk | 1-G | at Ss03 | C.Townsend short left pass incomplete to An.Mohr. |
Fk | 2-G | at Ss03 | Al.Mohr rush for loss of 1 yard to the SS4 (J.Scott;N.Goehner). |
Fk | 3-G | at Ss04 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to T.Knuettel for 4 yards to the SS0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00, C.Scheiner kick attempt failed. |
| | | Franken Knights 9, Stuttgart Scorpions 0 |
| | | Drive: 16 plays, 86 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | C.Gunn kickoff 59 yards to the SS11, J.Pike return 32 yards to the SS43 (M.Fritz). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss43 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss43 | PENALTY SS False Start (M.Scheuring) 5 yards to the SS38. |
Ss | 1-15 | at Ss38 | T.Schneider deep right pass incomplete to F.Weigel, PENALTY FK Defense Pass Interference (B.Barnes) 15 yards to the FK47, 1ST DOWN SS, NO PLAY. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk47 | T.Schneider screen right pass incomplete to F.Weigel. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk47 | T.Schneider screen right pass incomplete to F.Weigel. |
Ss | 3-10 | at Fk47 | T.Schneider deep middle pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 13 yards to the FK34, 1ST DOWN SS (O.Gehringer). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk34 | T.Schneider screen left pass complete to M.Scheuring for 18 yards to the FK16, 1ST DOWN SS (M.Michael-Lohs). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk16 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 16 yards to the FK0, 1ST DOWN SS, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00, M.Scheuring kick attempt good. |
| | | Franken Knights 9, Stuttgart Scorpions 7 |
| | | Drive: 5 plays, 57 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | M.Scheuring kickoff 68 yards to the FK2, T.Knuettel return 23 yards to the FK25 (D.Mirus). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk25 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk25 | C.Townsend deep left pass incomplete to J.Joyner. |
Fk | 2-10 | at Fk25 | C.Townsend screen left pass complete to S.Lang for 12 yards to the FK37, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds (F.Hansen;O.Metzger). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk37 | C.Townsend sacked for loss of 1 yard to the FK36 (S.Litvinas). |
Fk | 2-11 | at Fk36 | C.Townsend rush left end for 18 yards to the SS46, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds (N.Goehner). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss46 | An.Mohr rush left guard for 5 yards to the SS41 (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 2-5 | at Ss41 | PENALTY FK False Start (N.Kracher) 5 yards to the SS46. |
Fk | 2-10 | at Ss46 | C.Townsend rush right end for 21 yards to the SS25, 1ST DOWN FK (T.Frach). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss25 | An.Mohr rush left guard for 1 yard to the SS24 (J.Scott;A.Peer). |
Fk | 2-9 | at Ss24 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to J.Joyner for 5 yards to the SS19, out-of-bounds (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 3-4 | at Ss19 | C.Townsend deep right pass incomplete to T.Knuettel. |
Fk | 4-4 | at Ss19 | C.Townsend deep middle pass incomplete to C.Welker (T.Frach). |
| | | Drive: 10 plays, 56 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss19 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss19 | R.Hernandez rush left tackle for 6 yards to the SS25 (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 2-4 | at Ss25 | T.Schneider short left pass complete to F.Weigel for 7 yards to the SS32, 1ST DOWN SS (M.Fritz). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss32 | T.Schneider deep right pass incomplete to L.Ahlgrimm. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Ss32 | T.Schneider rush left tackle for 8 yards to the SS40 (D.Saueressig). |
Ss | 3-2 | at Ss40 | Timeout Stuttgart Scorpions, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 3-2 | at Ss40 | R.Hernandez rush left guard for 15 yards to the FK45, 1ST DOWN SS (C.Gunn;C.Reitzler). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk45 | T.Schneider deep middle pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 19 yards to the FK26, 1ST DOWN SS. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk26 | T.Schneider deep left pass incomplete to L.Ahlgrimm. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk26 | R.Hernandez rush left tackle for 6 yards to the FK20 (K.Mayer). |
Ss | 3-4 | at Fk20 | Timeout Franken Knights, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 3-4 | at Fk20 | T.Schneider rush right tackle for 8 yards to the FK12, 1ST DOWN SS (An.Mohr). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk12 | T.Schneider deep middle pass incomplete to F.Weigel (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk12 | T.Schneider rush left end for 6 yards to the FK6, out-of-bounds (M.Fritz;M.Michael-Lohs). |
Ss | 3-4 | at Fk06 | T.Schneider short right pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 2 yards to the FK4 (B.Barnes), PENALTY FK Face Mask (T.Cotton) 1 yards to the FK3. |
Ss | 3-1 | at Fk03 | Timeout Stuttgart Scorpions, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 3-1 | at Fk03 | T.Schneider rush left tackle for 3 yards to the FK0, 1ST DOWN SS, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00, M.Scheuring kick attempt good. |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 14, Franken Knights 9 |
Ss | 1-G | at Ss30 | End of half, clock 00:00. |
| | | Drive: 13 plays, 81 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 14, Franken Knights 9 |
Ss | 1-G | at Ss30 | Start of 3rd quarter, FK ball on FK30. |
| | | Drive: 13 plays, 81 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | C.Gunn kickoff 63 yards to the SS7, F.Weigel return 93 yards to the FK0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 1-G | at Fk03 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
| | | M.Scheuring kick attempt good. |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 21, Franken Knights 9 |
| | | M.Scheuring kickoff 70 yards to the FK0, T.Knuettel return 18 yards to the FK18 (K.Anastassiadis;T.Frach). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk18 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk18 | C.Townsend rush for loss of 4 yards to the FK14, fumble by C.Townsend recovered by FK C.Townsend at FK16 (T.Frach). |
Fk | 2-12 | at Fk16 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to S.Lang for 6 yards to the FK22 (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 3-6 | at Fk22 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to S.Lang for 8 yards to the FK30, 1ST DOWN FK (J.Pike). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk30 | C.Townsend short middle pass complete to An.Mohr for 5 yards to the FK35 (J.Scott). |
Fk | 2-5 | at Fk35 | C.Townsend rush right end for 9 yards to the FK44, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds (T.Frach;J.Scott). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk44 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to S.Lang for 8 yards to the SS48 (T.Frach;K.Stadelmaier). |
Fk | 2-2 | at Ss48 | An.Mohr rush right guard for 5 yards to the SS43, 1ST DOWN FK (O.Metzger;K.Ansu Yeboha). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss43 | C.Townsend rush left tackle for 13 yards to the SS30, 1ST DOWN FK (O.Metzger;J.Pike). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss30 | Al.Mohr rush right guard for 6 yards to the SS24 (O.Metzger;T.Frach). |
Fk | 2-4 | at Ss24 | C.Townsend short left pass incomplete to S.Lang. |
Fk | 3-4 | at Ss24 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to J.Joyner for 9 yards to the SS15, 1ST DOWN FK (J.Pike). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss15 | C.Townsend screen right pass incomplete to T.Knuettel. |
Fk | 2-10 | at Ss15 | C.Townsend rush left end for 9 yards to the SS6 (R.Hernandez). |
Fk | 3-1 | at Ss06 | An.Mohr rush for no gain to the SS6 (K.Ansu Yeboha;S.Litvinas). |
Fk | 4-1 | at Ss06 | C.Townsend rush right end for 6 yards to the SS0, 1ST DOWN FK, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00, C.Scheiner kick attempt good. |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 21, Franken Knights 16 |
| | | Drive: 15 plays, 82 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | C.Gunn kickoff 66 yards to the SS4, J.Pike return 19 yards to the SS23. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss23 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss23 | T.Schneider CL pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 17 yards to the SS40, 1ST DOWN SS (D.Karakoc;C.Gunn). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss40 | R.Hernandez rush left guard for 9 yards to the SS49 (M.Michael-Lohs;M.Fritz). |
Ss | 2-1 | at Ss49 | T.Schneider screen right pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for 5 yards to the FK46, 1ST DOWN SS (B.Barnes). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk46 | R.Hernandez rush left guard for 11 yards to the FK35, 1ST DOWN SS (C.Gunn;C.Reitzler). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk35 | T.Schneider deep left pass incomplete to F.Weigel. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk35 | T.Schneider sacked for loss of 6 yards to the FK41 (O.Gehringer;An.Mohr). |
Ss | 3-16 | at Fk41 | M.Scheuring punt 27 yards to the FK14, out-of-bounds. |
| | | Drive: 6 plays, 36 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk14 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk14 | Al.Mohr rush right end for 1 yard to the FK15 (T.Frach). |
Fk | 2-9 | at Fk15 | C.Townsend rush up middle for 3 yards to the FK18 (D.Mirus). |
| | | Drive: 2 plays, 4 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 21, Franken Knights 16 |
Fk | 3-6 | at Fk18 | Start of 4th quarter. |
Fk | 3-6 | at Fk18 | C.Townsend short middle pass complete to J.Joyner for 8 yards to the FK26, 1ST DOWN FK (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk26 | C.Townsend short middle pass complete to An.Mohr for 11 yards to the FK37, fumble by An.Mohr recovered by SS J.Pike at FK35. |
| | | Drive: 4 plays, 21 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk35 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk35 | T.Schneider screen left pass complete to T.Metzger for 2 yards to the FK33 (M.Fritz). |
Ss | 2-8 | at Fk33 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 9 yards to the FK24, 1ST DOWN SS (C.Reitzler). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk24 | T.Schneider screen right pass complete to T.Metzger for 20 yards to the FK4, 1ST DOWN SS, out-of-bounds (C.Gunn). |
Ss | 1-G | at Fk04 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 4 yards to the FK0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:00, M.Scheuring kick attempt good. |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 28, Franken Knights 16 |
| | | Drive: 4 plays, 35 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | M.Scheuring kickoff 70 yards to the FK0, touchback. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to J.Joyner for 5 yards to the FK25 (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 2-5 | at Fk25 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to J.Joyner for 6 yards to the FK31, 1ST DOWN FK (T.Frach;J.Scott). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk31 | C.Townsend rush right end for 3 yards to the FK34, out-of-bounds (S.Litvinas;D.Mirus). |
Fk | 2-7 | at Fk34 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to S.Lang for 2 yards to the FK36, out-of-bounds (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 3-5 | at Fk36 | C.Townsend rush left tackle for 14 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN FK (T.Frach;F.Hansen). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk50 | An.Mohr rush left tackle for 3 yards to the SS47 (N.Storz). |
Fk | 2-7 | at Ss47 | C.Townsend short right pass complete to S.Lang for 9 yards to the SS38, 1ST DOWN FK (N.Goehner;O.Metzger). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss38 | C.Townsend short right pass incomplete to J.Joyner. |
Fk | 2-10 | at Ss38 | C.Townsend short middle pass incomplete to C.Scheiner. |
Fk | 3-10 | at Ss38 | C.Townsend deep right pass complete to J.Joyner for 14 yards to the SS24, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds (J.Pike). |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss24 | C.Townsend rush left guard for 4 yards to the SS20 (O.Metzger). |
Fk | 2-6 | at Ss20 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to S.Lang for 5 yards to the SS15, out-of-bounds (K.Stadelmaier;T.Frach). |
Fk | 3-1 | at Ss15 | C.Townsend deep right pass incomplete to C.Scheiner. |
Fk | 4-1 | at Ss15 | An.Mohr rush for no gain to the SS15 (S.Litvinas;L.Ahlgrimm). |
| | | Drive: 14 plays, 65 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss15 | STUTTGART SCORPIONS drive start at 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss15 | T.Schneider screen left pass complete to L.Ahlgrimm for loss of 1 yard to the SS14 (B.Barnes). |
Ss | 2-11 | at Ss14 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 14 yards to the SS28, 1ST DOWN SS (B.Barnes). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss28 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 2 yards to the SS30 (D.Karakoc;T.Cotton). |
Ss | 2-8 | at Ss30 | T.Schneider deep right pass incomplete to L.Ahlgrimm, PENALTY SS Chop Block declined. |
Ss | 3-8 | at Ss30 | T.Schneider rush right end for 16 yards to the SS46, 1ST DOWN SS (An.Mohr). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss46 | Timeout Franken Knights, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 1-10 | at Ss46 | T.Schneider deep right pass incomplete to L.Ahlgrimm. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Ss46 | T.Metzger rush right guard for 9 yards to the FK45 (C.Gunn;C.Reitzler). |
Ss | 3-1 | at Fk45 | T.Metzger rush left guard for 2 yards to the FK43, 1ST DOWN SS (D.Karakoc;T.Cotton). |
Ss | 1-10 | at Fk43 | T.Metzger rush left guard for no gain to the FK43 (D.Karakoc). |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk43 | Timeout Franken Knights, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 2-10 | at Fk43 | T.Schneider rush for loss of 7 yards to the 50 yardline, fumble by T.Schneider recovered by SS T.Schneider at 50 yardline (M.Michael-Lohs). |
Ss | 3-17 | at Ss50 | Timeout Franken Knights, clock 00:00. |
Ss | 3-17 | at Ss50 | T.Metzger rush right guard for no gain to the 50 yardline (O.Gehringer;D.Saueressig). |
Ss | 4-17 | at Ss50 | PENALTY SS Delay of Game (T.Schneider) 5 yards to the SS45. |
Ss | 4-22 | at Ss45 | M.Scheuring punt 35 yards to the FK20, fair catch by J.Joyner. |
| | | Drive: 11 plays, 30 yards, TOP 00:00 |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | FRANKEN KNIGHTS drive start at 00:00. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk20 | C.Townsend deep right pass complete to T.Knuettel for 12 yards to the FK32, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk32 | C.Townsend sacked for loss of 7 yards to the FK25 (D.Mirus), PENALTY SS Defense Offside (J.Scott) 5 yards to the FK37, NO PLAY. |
Fk | 1-5 | at Fk37 | C.Townsend deep left pass complete to J.Joyner for 13 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Fk50 | C.Townsend short left pass complete to S.Lang for 10 yards to the SS40, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss40 | C.Townsend rush right end for 12 yards to the SS28, 1ST DOWN FK, out-of-bounds (D.Mirus), PENALTY SS Defense Offside declined. |
Fk | 1-10 | at Ss28 | C.Townsend deep right pass incomplete to T.Knuettel (K.Stadelmaier). |
Fk | 2-10 | at Ss28 | End of game, clock 00:00. |
| | | Drive: 5 plays, 52 yards, TOP 00:00 |
| | | Stuttgart Scorpions 28, Franken Knights 16 |